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Windscreen Washer

Unlike modern cars, the classic Beetle does not contain a dashboard full of fancy
knobs and switches so the few that are there are very important as they each have
a clear use and are critical to the successful operation of the vehicle.

The switch in the middle operates the motor for the windscreen wash delivery. The end knob is the wiper control. Twist to
the right operates the wipers. To get the windscreen wash delivery working, you flick down the middle switch and press the
inside of the wiper control knob.

The problem here was that the motor would run when I flicked down the switch but no fluid would appear when the wiper control
knob was pressed.

The Water storage bottle from where the fluid is pumped from is located behind the spare wheel. To get to it, you have to
lift the spare wheel and the water bottle at the same time. I don't know if the bottle and wheel were meant to be fixed in
better than this but that's the arrangement that was here when I bought the car!

The water storage bottle was in this position when I looked at it, lying down in a horizontal fashion.
This was to be the easiest problem to solve ever. I simply stood the bottle up vertically and to my surprise, found the fluid
delivery was now working normally

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